TIPS Training

For Local Businesses Who Serve Alcohol

As part of our commitment to preventing drug and alcohol misuse, the Town of Babylon Cares offers free training to servers, sellers, and consumers of alcohol.

The Training for Intervention Procedures (TIPS) Responsible Alcohol Program is a skills-based, training program designed to prevent intoxication, drunk driving, and underage drinking. TIPS provides the knowledge and confidence required to recognize potential alcohol-related problems and intervene to prevent alcohol-related tragedies.

Have a Licensed Establishment?
Do you really know what your employees are doing? Are they complying with the law or putting your establishment at risk?

TIPS training provides the education your employees need to ensure your establishment stays consistently in compliance with the law. Have you already received a summons? Our advocacy team strives to insure that TIPS training is mandatory for fails, and advocates for fee reductions for socially responsible corporations whose values align with unity in community.

Anyone who serves alcohol in a licensed establishment should take this training and receive their certification. The program includes:

  • Legal information
  • Alcohol information
  • Intervention information
  • Practical application exercises
  • Certification exam

Responsible beverage service training is not mandated by the State of New York. However, we offer free training.

  • Host a TIPS training at your establishment
  • Become a TIPS trainer and help other businesses strengthen awareness and community ties
  • Become an advocate and get to know your community

Register for TIPS Training

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