There is Unity in Community
Watch people in our communities that are working together to create an environment for all to thrive. See where you fit in. Join the Town of Babylon Cares Project today and help us create positive community change.
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Thank you for helping spread our message of unity and connecting communities in the Town of Babylon to create positive community change.

Working together we can reduce underage drinking and substance abuse within the surrounding communities in the Town of Babylon.
Our Alliance Partners
Get Involved
Please get involved by volunteering, making a donation, offering in-kind services, or leading your initiative that aligns with the values of a committed group of citizens working together to achieve the common goal of making our communities safer places for kids to grow up!

Become a Volunteer

TIPS Training
Become a spokesperson, advocate, or trainer to connect with local businesses to promote responsible beverage service training. Companies and corporations can develop mutually beneficial relationships with Not for Profits whose values align with their own. Corporate Social Responsibility can reduce access to addictive products such as alcohol and nicotine vape delivery systems. Help local businesses become a part of the coalition. Contact us for more information.
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based approach to identifying patients who use alcohol and other drugs at dangerous levels. SBIRT aims to reduce and prevent related health consequences, disease, accidents, and injuries by providing support and having conversations that can change lives. Stigma keeps many people from seeking services they want or need for mental health and addiction. Let’s change the conversations and make screenings a routine preventive service in healthcare for all. Contact us for more information.
Become a Stakeholder
Attend and/or conduct meetings to plan campaigns and events that implement evidence-based interventions that prevent and reverse the current increased overdose and addiction trends. Inform and create media and marketing drives that will resonate with those who need a path to services and resources. Take full advantage of training opportunities to help make a sustainable approach to solution-oriented problem solving, data-driven decision-making, and community involvement. Visit and help write our coalition story. Adults and students are all welcome. Contact us for more information.