Prevention Resource Directory

This database is created and maintained by The Town of Babylon Cares Project under the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnerships for Success Grant. All materials and resources are the property of their respective providers.
For questions, comments, or additions to the database, please contact

NameProviderLanguageLinkTopicTarget Audience
Know Your No’sNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Deep Digging: What Happens When People Drink too Much at Any AgeNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Who’s At Risk for an Alcohol-Related Problem?National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
The Peer Pressure Bag of TricksNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
The Return on Investment
of Substance Use Prevention
Central East PTTCEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Promoting Collaboration Between Prevention and Harm ReductionCentral East PTTCEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
What Research Shows
Does NOT Work in
Substance Misuse Prevention
Great Lakes PTTCEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Teen Medicine AbuseCommunity Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
A Parents Guide to Preventing Teen Cough Medicine AbuseConsumer Healthcare Products AssociationEnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Przerywane wspomnienia: Stan niepamięci spowodowanej spożyciem alkoholu (Alcohol-Induced Blackouts)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Polish/PolskiLinkAlcoholGeneral
3 Critical TalksPartners in PreventionEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Educators
Protective factorsHelp is Here DelawareEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Factores protectores (Protective factors)Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Teens and alcohol
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Los adolescentes y el alcohol (Teens and alcohol)
Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Teens and marijuana
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Los adolescentes y la marihuana (Teens and marijuana)Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Teens and cocaineHelp is Here DelawareEnglishLinkCocaineGeneral
Los adolescentes y la cocaína (Teens and cocaine)Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkCocaineGeneral
Teens and methamphetamine
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkMethamphetamineGeneral
Los adolescentes y la metanfetamina (Teens and methamphetamine)Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkMethamphetamineGeneral
Teens and stimulants
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkStimulantsGeneral
Adolescentes y estimulantes (Teens and stimulants)
Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkStimulantsGeneral
Teens and prescription drugs
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Los adolescentes y los medicamentos recetados (Teens and prescription drugs)
Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Teens and opioidsHelp is Here DelawareEnglishLinkOpioidsGeneral
Los adolescentes y los opioides (Teens and opioids)Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkOpioidsGeneral
Tips for talking with teens about alcohol and drugs
Help is Here DelawareEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Consejos para hablar con adolescentes sobre el alcohol y las drogas (Tips for talking with teens about alcohol and drugs)
Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Parent and educator guide: drugs and teensHelp is Here DelawareEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Guía para padres y educadores: drogas y adolescentes (Parent and educator guide: drugs and teens)
Help is Here DelawareSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth and Young AdultsDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Cómo Prevenir el Consumo de Marihuana Entre Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos (Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth and Young Adults)Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Prescription for Disaster: How Teens Misuse MedicineDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkDrugsGeneral
Receta para el desastre: El abuso de medicamentos en adolescentes (Prescription for Disaster: How Teens Misuse Medicine)Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkDrugsGeneral
Vaping & Marijuana ConcentratesDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkVapingGeneral
El cigarrillo electrónico y los concentrados de marihuana (Vaping & Marijuana Concentrates)Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
How to Properly Dispose of Your Unused MedicinesDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkDrugsGeneral
Desechar Medicamentos Sin Usar de Forma Correcta )How to Properly Dispose of Your Unused Medicines)Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkDrugsGeneral
Five Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about OpioidsOffice of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)EnglishLinkOpioidsYouth
Drogas de Abuso
(Drugs of Abuse)
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkDrugsGeneral
Youth Opioid Abuse Prevention - Discussion GuideOffice of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)EnglishLinkOpioidsEducators
Empowering School Staff: Strategies for Preventing Underage Drinking and Drug UseLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Educators
Self-Care Tips
for Youth & Young Adults
Youth MOVE NationalEnglishLinkMental HealthYouth
A Potentially Dangerous Intersection Social Media, Substance Use, and Mental HealthCentral East PTTCEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Marijuana Facts for TeensNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)EnglishLinkCannabisYouth
Commonly Used Drugs ChartsNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Sustancias de Abuso Habitual (Commonly Used Drugs Charts)National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
High-Risk Substance Use Among YouthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Impaired DrivingCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Narkotyki – Ryzykowna Droga (Drugs – a Risky Path)Krajowego Biura ds. Przeciwdziałania NarkomaniiPolish/PolskiLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
Безпека рецептурних препаратів: Ділитися (Prescription Drug Safety)Central District HealthUkranian/українськаLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Marijuana Facts for TeensNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)EnglishLinkCannabisYouth
Alcohol Use and Your HealthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Preventing Excessive Alcohol Use with Proven StrategiesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
About Underage DrinkingCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
It's Worth the Wait - TIPS TrainingLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Vale La Pena La Espera - Entrenamiento TIPS (It's Worth the Wait - TIPS Training)Lindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Let's Be BluntLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Seamon Honestos (Let's Be Blunt)Lindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Their Next Phase of Life - Guiding Young AdultsLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
What to do During an Alcohol EmergencyLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Athletes vs. AlcoholLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
International VapingLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Athletes v. CannabisLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Greening OutPrevention MattersEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Substance Misuse Among the ElderlyLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Hidden in Plain SightLindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
SAMHSA’s Strategic
Prevention Framework (SPF)
Lindy Cares/Town of Babylon CaresEnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol OverdoseNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Entender los riesgos de sobredosis de alcohol (Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAASpanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Zrozumienie zagrożeń związanych z przedawkowaniem alkoholu (Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Polish/PolskiLinkAlcoholGeneral
Fall Semester—A Time for Parents To Discuss the Risks of College DrinkingNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Semestre de otoño, momento para que los padres hablen sobre de los riesgos del consumo de alcohol en la universidad (Fall Semester—A Time for Parents To Discuss the Risks of College Drinking)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Padres: hablen con sus hijos sobre cómo celebrar su grado de secundaria de forma segura (Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating Safely)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Parents—Talk With Your High School Grads About Celebrating SafelyNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Crianza de los hijos para prevenir el consumo infantil de alcohol (Parenting To Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Parenting To Prevent Childhood Alcohol Use
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Addressing Excessive Alcohol Use - New YorkCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Characteristics of Alcohol, Marijuana, and Other Drug Use Among Persons Aged 13–18 Years Being Assessed for Substance Use Disorder Treatment — United States, 2014–2022Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Preventing Underage Drinking with Community StrategiesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Medication Safety and Your HealthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Parental MonitoringCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Alcohol Compliance ChecksAlcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Datos Sobre el Lugar de la Ultima Bebida (Alcohol Compliance Checks)Alcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Los Jóvenes se Asocian con Las Fuerzas del Orden (Youth Partnering with Law Enforcement)Alcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholYouth
Youth Partnering with Law EnforcementAlcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Delivering Culturally Responsive Prevention Resource GuidePrevention FirstEnglishLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
LGBTQ-Affirming Prevention Messaging: Safety, Engagement, and Retention StrategiesCentral East PTTCEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
Kratom: An Emerging Youth ConcernCentral East PTTCEnglishLinkKratomGeneral
Prevention 101: Risk and Protective FactorsNational Hispanic and Latino PTTCEnglishLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
Prevención 101: Factores de Riesgo y Protección (Prevention 101: Risk and Protective Factors)National Hispanic and Latino PTTCSpanish/EspañolLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
Addressing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Youth VapingCentral East PTTCEnglishLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
Kit de herramientas de prevención de Rx (Rx Prevention Toolkit)Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Spanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Prevenga el uso de cigarrillos electrónicos en jóvenes: kit de herramientas para padres y cuidadores (Prevent Youth Vape Use - Toolkit for Parents & Caregivers)Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Prevent Youth Vape Use - Toolkit for Parents & CaregiversAlliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Prevent Youth Marijuana Use - Toolkit for Parents & CaregiversAlliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Prevenir el consumo de marihuana entre jóvenes: kit de herramientas para padres y cuidadores (Prevent Youth Marijuana Use - Toolkit for Parents & Caregivers)Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Prevent Youth Prescription Drug Misuse - Toolkit for Parents & CaregiversAlliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
EnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Prevent Underage Drinking - Toolkit for Parents & CaregiversAlliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Prevenga el consumo de alcohol entre menores de edad: kit de herramientas para padres y cuidadores (Prevent Underage Drinking - Toolkit for Parents & Caregivers)Alliance of Coalitions for Healthy Communities
Underage Drinking: How To Talk With Your Child About Alcohol UseAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Edible Marijuana Dangers: How Parents Can Prevent THC PoisoningAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Addressing Excessive Alcohol Use - New YorkCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Alcohol Law EnforcementAlcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
2022 State Reports - Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement (NY)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
The 2023 Report to Congress on the Prevention and Reduction of Underage DrinkingThe Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Opioid Use Disorder Prevalence Data - NYSOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkOpioidsPrevention Providers
Growing Up Drug Free: A Parent's Guide to Substance Use PreventionU.S. Department of Education & Drug Enforcement AdministrationEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Health Effects Of Teen Substance AbuseAddiction CenterEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
Effects of Drugs on Developing BrainsSandstone CareEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
Brote de lesiones pulmonares asociado al uso de productos de cigarrillos electrónicos o vapeo (Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, Products)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Outbreak of Lung Injury Associated with the Use of E-Cigarette, or Vaping, ProductsCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Datos breves sobre los riesgos de los cigarrillos electrónicos para los niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes (Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Every Conversation CountsWashington Health Care AuthorityEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Каждый разговор имеет значение (Every Conversation Counts)Washington Health Care Authority
Russian/РусскийLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Кожна розмова має значення (Every Conversation Counts)Washington Health Care Authority
Ukranian/українськаLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Cada Conversación Cuenta (Every Conversation Counts)Washington Health Care Authority
Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Living With an Adult Who Has a Substance Use ProblemNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
Start A Conversation: 10 Questions Teens Ask About Drugs and HealthNational Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Para iniciar la conversación: 10 preguntas que los adolescentes hacen sobre las drogas y la salud (Start A Conversation: 10 Questions Teens Ask About Drugs and Health)National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
How to Pass a Successful Ordinance Tips For Community CoalitionsAlcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Alcohol Policy is a Win-Win for CommunitiesAlcohol Policy Resource Center (APRC)EnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Alcohol Regulatory Systems: Integrating Support for Public SafetyNorthwest PTTCEnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Opioids and Adolescent HealthFamily and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB)EnglishLinkOpioidsYouth
The 12 Sectors ToolkitSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Opioid Community Supervision and MOUD ToolkitOpioid Response NetworkEnglishLinkOpioidsPrevention Providers
Phenibut Exposures Reported to Poison Centers — United States, 2009–2019Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkPhenibutGeneral
Benzedrex (propylhexedrine): Drug Safety Communication - FDA Warns that Abuse and Misuse of the Nasal Decongestant Causes Serious HarmU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationEnglishLinkBenzedrexGeneral
What Is Benzedrex (Propylhexedrine) Misuse?American Addiction CentersEnglishLinkBenzedrexGeneral
Teen Depression: More Than Just MoodinessNational Institute of Mental HealthEnglishLinkMental HealthYouth
La depresión en los adolescentes: Algo más que mal genio (Teen Depression: More Than Just Moodiness)National Institute of Mental HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkMental HealthYouth
El consumo de alcohol en los Estados Unidos en grupos por edades y característic (Alcohol Use in the United States: Age Groups and Demographic Characteristics)as demográficasNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Alcohol Use in the United States: Age Groups and Demographic CharacteristicsNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Where To Get Help for an Alcohol-Related ProblemNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Alcohol - Warning Signs and SymptomsNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
How Alcohol Affects You Now and in the FutureNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Stimulant Use and Stimulant Use Disorder In New York StateNYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkStimulantsGeneral
Kids have questions. Do you have the answers?Addiction is RealEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Overdose Prevention and Response ToolkitSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Alcohol-related ED visitsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Results from the 2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: A Companion InfographicSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Cannabis: THC, Delta-8 y otros Cannabinoides (Cannabis: THC, Delta-8, and other Cannabinoids)Cannabis Policy Resource CenterSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Cannabis: THC, Delta-8, and other CannabinoidsCannabis Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Say No to Vaping - Classroom ActivityChildren’s WisconsinEnglishLinkVapingEducators
Cannabis Fact SheetTruth InitiativeEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
How to Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol or Using Other DrugsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Talk. They Hear You: Why Small Conversations Make a Big ImpressionSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Haga la diferencia hable con sus hijos sobre el uso del alcohol (Make a Difference: Talk to your Child About Alcohol)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Make a Difference: Talk to Your Child About AlcoholNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Drugs of Abuse - A DEA Resource Guide 2022 EditionDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkDrugsGeneral
Hable con los niños sobre los riesgos de vapear (Talk to Kids About the Risks of Vaping)U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationSpanish/EspañolLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Talk to Kids About the Risks of VapingU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationEnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Impactos en la salud de los cigarrillos electrónicos (Health Impacts of E-Cigarettes)U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationSpanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Health Impacts of E-CigarettesU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Best Practices and Practical Approaches for Public Health CampaignsU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationEnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Health Effects of SmokingFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Preventing Prescription Opioid Misuse Among Student Athletes Fact SheetMassachusetts Department of Public HealthEnglishLinkOpioidsEducators
Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet: Keeping Student Athletes SafeState of New Jersey Department of EducationEnglishLinkOpioidsGeneral
Awareness, Education, and Collaboration: Promising School-based Opioid Prevention ApproachesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkOpioidsEducators
What's Trending: E-cigarettesCommunity Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)EnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Naloxone Myths DebunkedPartnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkNaloxoneGeneral
Preventing Fentanyl OverdosePartnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
Connecting the Dots Teen Violence, ACEs and Substance UsePartnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Preventing Teen Abuse of Prescription Drugs Fact SheetPartnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Alcohol Use Disorder in the U.S.Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Understanding Vaping and Other Tobacco Product Us Among YouthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkVapingEducators
Drug Guide for Parents (English and Spanish)Partnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkDrugsParents/Guardians
Drug Guide for Parents (English and Spanish)Partnership for Drug Free KidsSpanish/EspañolLinkDrugsParents/Guardians
Non-Nicotine E-Cigarettes (For Parents)Standford Medicine Research LabEnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Non-Nicotine E-Cigarettes (For Youth)Standford Medicine Research LabEnglishLinkVapingYouth
Generations of E-Cigarettes & Vape PensStandford Medicine Research LabEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Cigs In An E-CigStandford Medicine Research LabEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
SAMHSA Families Conversation GuideSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Helping Girls and Young Women Stay Healthy by Avoiding AlcoholSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholWomen
Suffolk County’s Social Host Law
Over The Counter Medicine Safety (English & Spanish)Young Minds Inspired, Johnson & Johnson FoundationEnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Over The Counter Medicine Safety (English & Spanish)Young Minds Inspired, Johnson & Johnson FoundationSpanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
The 101 on E-CigarettesAmerican Heart AssociationEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
E-Cigarettes and Adolescents: What It’s All AboutAmerican Heart AssociationEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Comecocos de papel: Juego de niños para afrontar el estrés (Stress Catcher)National Institute of Mental HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkMental HealthGeneral
Stress CatcherNational Institute of Mental HealthEnglishLinkMental HealthGeneral
Tips for Adults when Working with Youth LeadersAdvocates for YouthEnglishLinkYouth DevelopmentGeneral
Tips for Youth when Working with Adult AlliesAdvocates for YouthEnglishLinkYouth DevelopmentYouth
Substance Use in Older AdultsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First RespondersDrug Enforcement AdministrationEnglishLinkFentanylHealthcare Providers
Student Athletes and Prescription MedicationsDivision of Trauma and Injury Prevention at the Indiana Department of HealthEnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Breastfeeding and Substance Use Traffic LightDivision of Trauma and Injury Prevention at the Indiana Department of HealthEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Women
Alcohol Fact Sheet - International Overdose AwarenessInternational Overdose Awareness CampaignEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Opioids Fact Sheet - International Overdose AwarenessInternational Overdose Awareness CampaignEnglishLinkOpioidsGeneral
Que Debe Saber Sobre El Almacenamiento De Los Medicamentos (What To Know About Storing Medicine)Safe Kids WorldwideSpanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
What To Know About Storing MedicineSafe Kids WorldwideEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Ayudendos a Reducir el Estigma - Su Manera De Hablar Cuenta (Help Reduce Stigma - Language Matters)Next Level Recovery: Know the FactsSpanish/EspañolLinkStigmaGeneral
Help Reduce Stigma - Language MattersNext Level Recovery: Know the FactsEnglishLinkStigmaGeneral
9 Facts About Addiction People Usually Get WrongPartnership for Drug Free KidsEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Precautions for Unknown Opioids First Responders Division of Trauma and Injury Prevention at the Indiana Department of HealthEnglishLinkOpioidsHealthcare Providers
5 Questions to Ask About Your MedicationsThe Institute for Safe Medication Practices CanadaEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Opioid Medication: A Risk for Children and TeensDivision of Trauma and Injury Prevention at the Indiana Department of HealthEnglishLinkOpioidsParents/Guardians
Descartar Medicamentos (Unused Medication)Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)Spanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Unused MedicationOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Conversando con Todas las Edades (Make the Talk Count)Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Make the Talk CountOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Iniciadores de Conversación (Conversation Starters)Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Conversation StartersOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
8 maneras de conectarse con niños, adolescentes y adultos jóvenes (8 Ways to Connect with Children, Teens & Young Adults)Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)Spanish/EspañolLinkYouth DevelopmentParents/Guardians
8 Ways to Connect with Children, Teens & Young AdultsOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkYouth DevelopmentParents/Guardians
Понимание опасности передозировки алкоголя (Understanding the Dangers of Alcohol Overdose)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Russian/РусскийLinkAlcoholGeneral
El Cerebro de los Adolescentes: 7 Cosas Que Usted Debe Saber (The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know)National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)Spanish/EspañolLinkYouth DevelopmentGeneral
The Teen Brain: 7 Things to KnowNational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)EnglishLinkYouth DevelopmentGeneral
Preventing, Identifying, and Treating Substance Use Among Youth in Foster CareAdministration for Children and FamiliesEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Coping with COVID-19: How Young People Use Digital Media to Manage Their Mental HealthCalifornia Health Care FoundationEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Vaping: What Families Need to Know to Help Protect Children, Teens and Young AdultsPartnerships to End AddictionEnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Prevention tools: What works, what doesn'tWashington State Healthcare AuthorityEnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Substance Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors Among YouthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for ParentsNational Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)EnglishLinkMental HealthParents/Guardians
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Community Organizations and LeadersNational Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)EnglishLinkMental HealthPrevention Providers
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for School Staff Teachers, Counselors, Administration, Support StaffNational Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)EnglishLinkMental HealthEducators
Як пережити скрутні часи: Інформаційний бюлетень для молоді старшого шкільного та університетського віку (Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School and College Age)National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)Ukranian/українськаLinkMental HealthYouth
Coping in Hard Times: Fact Sheet for Youth High School and College AgeNational Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)EnglishLinkMental HealthYouth
LGBTQ Youth & Substance AbuseRhode Island Prevention Resource Center (RIPRC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
El consumo excesivo y peligroso de alcohol (Understanding Binge Drinking)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Understanding Binge DrinkingNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
BenzodiazepinesDrug Enforcement AdministrationEnglishLinkBenzodiazepinesGeneral
¿Qué es el Fentanilo? (What is Fentanyl?)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkFentanylGeneral
What is Fentanyl?National Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
Implementing Community-Level Policies to Prevent Alcohol MisuseSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Community Engagement: An Essential Component of an Effective and Equitable Substance Use Prevention SystemSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
12 Things Parents Can Do to Prevent AddictionAddiction Policy ForumEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Los adolescentes y opioides (Teens and Opioids)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkOpioidsGeneral
Como practicar las habilidades de rechazo (Refusal Skills)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkYouth DevelopmentYouth
Infografía de cómo la addiction secuestra el cerebro (Infographic depicting the effects of addiction on the brain)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Libro de ejercicios de 12 cosas que los padres pueden hacer (Twelve tips for parents on how to prevent children from becoming addicted to psychoactive substances)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
La adicción y el cerebro (Addiction and the Brain)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Рекомендації по відпрацюванню навичок відмови (Refusal Skills)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Ukranian/українськаLinkYouth DevelopmentYouth
Брошюра про вплив опіоїдів на підлітків (Teens and Opioids)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Ukranian/українськаLinkOpioidsGeneral
Інфографіка з зображенням впливу залежності на мозок (Infographic depicting the effects of addiction on the brain)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Ukranian/українськаLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Залежність і мозок (Addiction and the Brain)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Ukranian/українськаLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Дванадцять порад батькам про те, як запобігти звикання залежності дітей від психоактивних речовин (Twelve tips for parents on how to prevent children from becoming addicted to psychoactive substances)Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC)Ukranian/українськаLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Explaining addiction to a childAlcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
МОИ ЛЕКАРСТВА (My Medicines)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Russian/РусскийLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Tiempo Para Ciudar: Mis Medicinas (My Medicines)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Moje Leki (My Medicines)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Polish/PolskiLinkRx DrugsGeneral
My MedicinesFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Hallucinogens and Dissociative DrugsNational Institutes of Health (NIH)EnglishLinkHallucinogensGeneral
ЧТО ТАКОЕ ФЕНТАНИЛ? (What is fentanyl?)NYC HealthRussian/РусскийLinkFentanylGeneral
What is fentanyl?NYC HealthEnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
¿Qué es el Fentanilo? (What is Fentanyl?)NYC HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkFentanylGeneral
Drug Facts: High School and Youth Trends from the National Institute on Drug AbusePeer Assistance Services & One DegreeEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Making the Connection: Drug Use and Academic GradesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Guide to evidence-based preventionHealth Policy Institute of OhioEnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
QUICK GUIDE: Adolescent Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral for Treatment (SBIRT)Boston Children’s HospitalEnglishLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Nadie debería morir a causa de una sobredosis (No One Should Die of an Overdose)NYC HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkNaloxoneGeneral
No One Should Die of an OverdoseNYC HealthEnglishLinkNaloxoneGeneral
Overdose Safety Planning Poster: What Is My Overdose Risk?NYC HealthEnglishLinkDrugsGeneral
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance — United States, 2021Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Beber peligrosamente puede enfriar la diversión del verano (Risky Drinking Can Put a Chill on Your Summer Fun)National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholGeneral
Risky Drinking Can Put a Chill on Your Summer FunNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Zastanawiasz się, jak rozmawiać z dzieckiem lub nastolatkiem o alkoholu i narkotykach? (Wondering How to Talk to Your Child or Teen About Alcohol and Other Drugs?)NYC HealthPolish/PolskiLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Wondering How to Talk to Your Child or Teen About Alcohol and Other Drugs?NYC HealthEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
¿Se pregunta cómo hablar con su niño o adolescente sobre el alcohol y otras drogas? (Wondering How to Talk to Your Child or Teen About Alcohol and Other Drugs?)NYC HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Задаетесь вопросомо том, как поговорить с ребенкоммладшего или подросткового возраста об алкоголе и наркотических веществах? (Wondering How to Talk to Your Child or Teen About Alcohol and Other Drugs?)NYC HealthRussian/РусскийLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Каннабис в г. Нью-Йорк (NYC), Безопасное употребление каннабиса (Cannabis in NYC and Safer Cannabis Use Palm Card)NYC HealthRussian/РусскийLinkCannabisGeneral
Konopie indyjskie w NYC, Bezpieczniejsze używanie konopi indyjskich (Cannabis in NYC and Safer Cannabis Use Palm Card)NYC HealthPolish/PolskiLinkCannabisGeneral
Cannabis in NYC and Safer Cannabis Use Palm CardNYC HealthEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Cannabis en la ciudad de Nueva York, Consumo seguro de cannabis (Cannabis in NYC and Safer Cannabis Use Palm Card)NYC HealthSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Tabaco: ¿Qué le está costando? (Tobacco: What is it costing you?)American Cancer SocietyEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
ТЮТЮН: Скільки він вам коштує? (Tobacco: What is it costing you?)American Cancer SocietyUkranian/українськаLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
ТАБАК: Во что он вам обходится? (Tobacco: What is it costing you?)American Cancer SocietyRussian/РусскийLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Tobacco: What is it costing you?American Cancer SocietyEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Стоит ли вам поговорить с кем-нибудь об алкогольной зависимости, зависимости от наркотиков или о других психических расстройствах? (Should You Talk to Someone About a Drug, Alcohol, or Mental Health Problem?)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Russian/РусскийLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Bath SaltsDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkBath SaltsGeneral
Rohypnol ®Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkRohypnolGeneral
K2/SpiceDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkK2/SpiceGeneral
SteroidsDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkSteroidsGeneral
OxycodoneDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
MorphineDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Marijuana/CannabisDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
LSDDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkLSD/AcidGeneral
KratomDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkKratomGeneral
KetamineDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkKetamineGeneral
InhalantsDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkInhalantsGeneral
HeroinDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkHeroinGeneral
FentanylDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
Ecstasy/MDMADrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkEcstasy/MDMAGeneral
CocaineDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkCocaineGeneral
BenzodiazepinesDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkBenzodiazepinesGeneral
Un paquete técnico integral para la prevención de la violencia juvenil y los comportamientos de riesgo asociados (A Comprehensive Technical Package for the Prevention of Youth Violence and Associated Risk Behaviors)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Spanish/EspañolLinkCoalition DevelopmentPrevention Providers
Talking to Children When Scary Things HappenThe National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)EnglishLinkMental HealthParents/Guardians
Entendamos el trauma infantil (Understanding Child Trauma)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkMental HealthGeneral
Understanding Child TraumaSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkMental HealthGeneral
Synthetic Cathinones ("Bath Salts") - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkBath SaltsGeneral
Catinonas sintéticas ("sales de baño") - Información del Medicamento (Synthetic Cathinones ("Bath Salts") - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkBath SaltsGeneral
MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkEcstasy/MDMAGeneral
MDMA (éxtasis/Molly) - Información del Medicamento (MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly) - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkEcstasy/MDMAGeneral
Inhalantes - Información del Medicamento (Inhalants - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkInhalantsGeneral
Inhalants - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkInhalantsGeneral
Medicamentos de venta libre - Información del Medicamento (Over-the-Counter Medicines - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Over-the-Counter Medicines - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Cannabinoides sintéticos (K2/Spice) - Información del Medicamento (Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/Spice) - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkK2/SpiceGeneral
Synthetic Cannabinoids (K2/Spice) - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkK2/SpiceGeneral
Prescription CNS Depressants - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkDepressantsGeneral
Depresores del sistema nervioso central (SNC) de prescripción médica - Información del Medicamento (Prescription CNS Depressants - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkDepressantsGeneral
Estimulantes de prescripción médica - Información del Medicamento (Prescription Stimulants - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkStimulantsGeneral
Prescription Stimulants - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkStimulantsGeneral
Entendiendo el uso de drogas y la adicción - Información del Medicamento (Understanding Drug Use and Addiction - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkDrugsGeneral
Understanding Drug Use and Addiction - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkDrugsGeneral
Methamphetamine - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkMethamphetamineGeneral
La metanfetamina - Información del Medicamento (Methamphetamine - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkMethamphetamineGeneral
El Canabis (marihuana) - Información del Medicamento (Cannabis (Marijuana) - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Cannabis (Marijuana) - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Drugged Driving - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Conducir bajo el efecto de drogas - Información del Medicamento (Drugged Driving - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Cigarrillos electrónicos (e-cigs) - Información del Medicamento (Vaping Devices (Electronic Cigarettes) - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Vaping Devices (Electronic Cigarettes) - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Substance Use in Women - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Women
El consumo de sustancias en las mujeres - Información del Medicamento (Substance Use in Women - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Women
Concentrados de marihuana - Información del Medicamento (Cannabis (Marijuana) Concentrates Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Cannabis (Marijuana) Concentrates Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Opioides de prescripción médica - Información del Medicamento (Prescription Opioids - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkOpioidsGeneral
Prescription Opioids - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkOpioidsGeneral
Fentanyl - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
El fentanilo - Información del Medicamento (Fentanyl - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkFentanylGeneral
La heroína – Información del Medicamento (Heroin - Drug Facts)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkHeroinGeneral
Heroin - Drug FactsNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkHeroinGeneral
When You Stop SmokingNational Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)EnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Talking to Your Kids about Prescription Drug AbuseSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsParents/Guardians
Addiction & the BrainPrevention Action Alliance & Addiction Policy ForumEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Entering Adulthood: Getting Help for Mental and Substance Use DisordersSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkMental HealthGeneral
New York State Opioid Annual Report 2023NYS Department of HealthEnglishLinkOpioidsGeneral
Prescription Painkillers: The Dangers of MisuseNYC Department of Mental Health and HygieneEnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Teens and Tobacco UseAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineParents/Guardians
Talking to Teens About Tobacco Cessation Using the 5AsAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineParents/Guardians
Secondhand Smoke and ChildrenAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Pets and Tobacco UseAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Addressing Tobacco in Dental SettingsAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineHealthcare Providers
Apoyar a jóvenes adictos a la nicotina: Consejos para pediatras (Supporting Youth who are Addicted to Nicotine: Advice for Pediatricians)American Academy of PediatricsSpanish/EspañolLinkTobacco/NicotineHealthcare Providers
Supporting Youth who are Addicted to Nicotine: Advice for PediatriciansAmerican Academy of PediatricsEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineHealthcare Providers
Alcohol and the Adolescent BrainNational Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Monitoring the Future: National Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2023: Secondary School StudentsThe National Institute on Drug Abuse at The National Institutes of HealthEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
E-Cigarette Use Among YouthCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Synthetic Cannabinoids Fact SheetOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
What Is Xylazine?NYC HealthEnglishLinkXylazineGeneral
Environmental Prevention of Underage Drinking Social Host Liability LawsInteragency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Preventing Substance Abuse Among LGBTQ TeensHuman Rights Campaign Foundation & Partnership for Drug-Free KidsEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
Alcohol What School Professionals Need to Know to Help Protect Young PeoplePartnership to End AddictionEnglishLinkAlcoholEducators
Alcohol What Families Need to Know to Help Protect Young PeoplePartnership to End AddictionEnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Alcohol What Health Care Professionals Need to Know to Help Protect Young PeoplePartnership to End AddictionEnglishLinkAlcoholHealthcare Providers
Marijuana Prevention StrategiesPrevention FirstEnglishLinkCannabisPrevention Providers
Substances and the adolescent brainYouth Prevention Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Youth
How to talk to a Friend about SuicidePrevention FirstEnglishLinkMental HealthYouth
Ayudando a los Adolescentes a Encontrar sus Voces para Reducir el Consumo Indebido de Alcohol y el Consumo de Alcohol por Menores en ComunidadesAlcohol Policy Resource CenterSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholYouth
Helping Teens Find Their Voice To Reduce Underage Drinking and Alcohol Misuse in CommunitiesAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Social Host Ordinances 6 Essential ElementsAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Reduce Alcohol Access to Reduce ViolenceAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Alcohol Prevention Strategy & PolicyAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Alcohol Management Planning GuideAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Safe and Successful EventsAlcohol Policy Resource CenterEnglishLinkAlcoholPrevention Providers
Cigarrillos Electrónicos ¿Cuál Es La Conclusión? (Electronic Cigarettes, What Is The Bottom Line?)Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Evidence on the Health Impacts of E-Cigarettes and VapingWashington State Department of HealthEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Las Drogas, El Cerebro Y La Conducta: Bases Científicas De La Adicción (Drugs, The Brain And Behavior: Scientific Bases Of Addiction)National Institute on Drug AbuseSpanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Drugs, Brain, and Behavior: The Science of AddictionNational Institute on Drug AbuseEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Alcohol and DrivingNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Tobacco and the EnvironmentThe Truth InitiativeEnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Rising vaping rates among lesbian, gay, and bisexual young people outpace peers, widening tobacco use gapThe Truth InitiativeEnglishLinkVapingLGBTQIA+
Emoji Drug CodeDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkDrugsParents/Guardians
What is the Social Host Law?Suffolk County Partners in Prevention (PIP)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Twoje Dziecko I Alkohol (Your Child & Alcohol)DrinkAwarePolish/PolskiLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Co To Są E-Papierosy? (What are E-Cigarettes?)Główny Inspektorat SanitarnyPolish/PolskiLinkVapingGeneral
Вейпинг и электронные сигареты (Vaping and e-cigarette FAQ)King CountyRussian/РусскийLinkVapingGeneral
Vaping and e-cigarette FAQKing CountyEnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Часті запитання про вейпінг та електронні сигарети (Vaping and e-cigarette FAQ)King CountyUkranian/українськаLinkVapingGeneral
Preguntas frecuentes sobre el vapeo y los cigarrillos electrónicos (Vaping and e-cigarette FAQ)King CountySpanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Growing Up Drug Free - a Parent's Guide to PreventionDrug Enforcement Administration and U.S. Department of EducationEnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
What You Need to Know & How to Talk With Your Kids about VapingOffice of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS)EnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Substance Misuse Prevention for Young AdultsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Talking with Your Teen About VapingSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Talking with Your Teen About Marijuana: Keeping Your Kids Safe – Parent BrochureSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Talking with Your Teen About OpioidsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkOpioidsParents/Guardians
Talking with Teens About Alcohol and Other DrugsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Reducing Vaping Among Youth and Young AdultsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkVapingPrevention Providers
Treatment for Youth and Young Adults with Mood Disorders and other Serious Emotional Disturbances and Co-occurring Substance UseSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Healthcare Providers
Behavioral Health Equity Report 2021: Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators Measured from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Racial/Ethnic Differences in Substance Use, Substance Use Disorders, and Substance Use Treatment Utilization among People Aged 12 or OlderSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Preventing Marijuana Use Among YouthSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCannabisPrevention Providers
Advisory: Prescription Stimulant Misuse Among Youth and Young AdultsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsPrevention Providers
Drug Abuse Warning Network: Findings from Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, 2021Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
National Substance Use and Mental Health Services Survey (N-SUMHSS), 2021: Data on Substance Use and Mental Health Treatment FacilitiesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Behavioral Health: Results from the 2021 and 2022 National Surveys on Drug Use and HealthSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
Results from the 2021 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH): Key Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators in the United StatesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Opioid and Alcohol Misuse and Risk of Suicide: A Literature ReviewCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkMental HealthGeneral
Co Powinni Wiedzieć O Konopiach Indyjskich Rodzice, Wychowawcy I Dorośli Cieszący Się Zaufaniem Młodzieży (What Parents, Mentors, And Trusted Adults Need To Know About Cannabis)Office of Cannabis Management (OCM)Polish/PolskiLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Что нужно знать родителям, наставникам и близким взрослым О КАННАБИСЕ? (What Parents, Mentors, and Trusted Adults Need to Know About Cannabis)Office of Cannabis Management (OCM)Russian/РусскийLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Qué Necesitan Los Padres, Mentores Y Adultos De Confianza Saber Sobre El Cannabis (What Parents, Mentors, And Trusted Adults Need To Know About Cannabis)Office of Cannabis Management (OCM)Russian/РусскийLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
What Parents, Mentors, and Trusted Adults Need to Know About CannabisOffice of Cannabis Management (OCM)EnglishLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Safe Storage Rack CardOffice of Cannabis Management (OCM)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Know Your EdiblesOffice of Cannabis Management (OCM)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
The Guide to Safer Cannabis ConsumptionOffice of Cannabis Management (OCM)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Drug Fact Sheet: FentanylDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
Lo Que Todo Padre Y Cuidador Debe Saber Sobre Las Pastillas Falsas (What Every Parent And Caregiver Needs To Know About Fake Pills)Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)Spanish/EspañolLinkFentanylParents/Guardians
What Every Parent and Caregiver Needs to Know About Fake PillsDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkFentanylParents/Guardians
Fake Pills Fact SheetDrug Enforcement Administration (DEA)EnglishLinkFentanylGeneral
E-cigarettes and Youth: What Health Care Providers Need to KnowCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkVapingHealthcare Providers
E-cigarettes and Youth: What Parents Need to KnowCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)EnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Si dejo de fumar, ¿mejorará la salud de mi corazón? (Can Quitting Improve My Heart Health? (Heart Health Infographic))Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Can Quitting Improve My Heart Health? (Heart Health Infographic)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
El Vapeo Datos Sobre Los Cigarrillos Electrónicos (Vaping: Facts About E-cigarettes)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingGeneral
Vaping: Facts About E-CigarettesFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkVapingGeneral
Cómo Entender La Nicotina (Understanding Nicotine)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
Understanding NicotineFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineGeneral
How to Talk to Kids about Vaping RisksFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkVapingParents/Guardians
Vaping Facts Misperceptions InfographicFood and Drug Administration (FDA)EnglishLinkVapingYouth
Infografía de percepciones erróneas sobre el vapeo (Vaping Facts Misperceptions Infographic)Food and Drug Administration (FDA)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingYouth
Underage Drinking Meets its Match: Tips for ParentsParents LeadEnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
The Teen Brain: 6 things to knowParents LeadEnglishLinkYouth DevelopmentYouth
Talking to Your Child about MarijuanaParents LeadEnglishLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Las Consecuencias De Que Menores De Edad Tomen Alcohol (The Consequences Of Underage Drinking)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholYouth
The Consequences of Underage DrinkingSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Qué Puede Hacer Para Prevenir Que Su Hijo Tome Alcohol (What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking Alcohol)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
What You Can Do To Prevent Your Child From Drinking AlcoholSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Cómo Saber Si Tu Hijo Está Tomando Alcohol (How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking Alcohol)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
How To Tell If Your Child Is Drinking AlcoholSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Por Qué to Hijo Podría Empezar a Tomar Alcohol (Why Your Child Might Start Drinking Alcohol)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Why Your Child Might Start Drinking AlcoholSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Why You Should Talk With Your Child About Alcohol and Other DrugsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Answering Your Child’s Tough QuestionsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Talk. They Hear You: Impaired Driving: Talk with Your Kids – Fact SheetSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Talk. They Hear You: What You Can Do to Prevent Your Child from Drinking – Fact SheetSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Talk. They Hear You: What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use – Fact SheetSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Educators
Talk. They Hear You: Talking to Kids About Alcohol and Other Drugs: 5 Conversation Goals – Fact SheetSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Parents/Guardians
Talk. They Hear You: Do You Know About Marijuana? Talk With Your Kids About the Facts – InfographicSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCannabisParents/Guardians
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la marihuana (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Marijuana)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkCannabisYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About MarijuanaSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCannabisYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About MethamphetamineSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkMethamphetamineYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la metanfetamina (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Methamphetamine)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkMethamphetamineYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About AlcoholSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Consejos para Adolescentes: Consumo de Alcohol en Menores de Edad (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Alcohol)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los inhalantes (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Inhalants)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkInhalantsYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About InhalantsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkInhalantsYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los opioides (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Opioids)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkOpioidsYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About OpioidsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkOpioidsYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la heroína (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Heroin)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkHeroinYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About HeroinSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkHeroinYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los sedantes (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Sedatives)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkSedativesYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About SedativesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkSedativesYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los esteroides (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Steroids)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkSteroidsYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About SteroidsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkSteroidsYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los alucinógenos (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Hallucinogens)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkHallucinogensYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About HallucinogensSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkHallucinogensYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los estimulantes (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Stimulants)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkStimulantsYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About StimulantsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkStimulantsYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre los cigarrillos electrónicos (Tips for Teens: The Truth About E-Cigarettes)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About E-CigarettesSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkVapingYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About TobaccoSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkTobacco/NicotineYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre el tabaco (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Tobacco)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkTobacco/NicotineYouth
Consejos para adolescentes: la realidad sobre la cocaína (Tips for Teens: The Truth About Cocaine)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkCocaineYouth
Tips for Teens: The Truth About CocaineSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCocaineYouth
Advisory: Screening and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders among AdolescentsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Healthcare Providers
Facts on Underage DrinkingSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Despues de la Escuela Secundaria: Cómo hablar con tu Adulto Joven Sobre el Consumo de Alcohol en los Menores de Edad (After High School: Talking With Your Young Adult About Underage Drinking)Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcoholParents/Guardians
Tips for Young Adults: Coping with Mass ViolenceSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkMental HealthYouth
Advisory: Cannabidiol (CBD) – Potential Harms, Side Effects, and UnknownsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkCannabisGeneral
Tips for People Who Take Medication: Coping With Hot WeatherSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkRx DrugsGeneral
Underage Drinking: Myths vs. FactsSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholYouth
Alcohol Use Among Girls and Young Women: A Worrying TrendSubstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)EnglishLinkAlcoholWomen
Combating Stigma Against People Who Use SubstancesCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
Fumando y vapeando en las Américas: Implicaciones Políticas para la Prevención (Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for Prevention)Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkVapingPrevention Providers
Smoking and Vaping in the Americas: Policy implications for PreventionCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkVapingPrevention Providers
Adapting Prevention Interventions to Better Serve People Who Are Under-ResourcedCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Enfermedad Mental Grave (EMG) y el Trastorno por Uso de Sustancias (TUS) en las poblaciones Hispanas/Latinas (Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Among Hispanic and Latino Communities)National Hispanic & Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkCultural CompetenceGeneral
Serious Mental Illness (SMI) and Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Among Hispanic and Latino CommunitiesNational Hispanic & Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkCultural CompetenceGeneral
Bisexual Women and Substance Misuse Fact SheetCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
Alcohol Awareness CardGreat Lakes Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcoholGeneral
Colaboración Sobre la Prevención en Acción: Comprometer la participación de los socios adecuados (Prevention Collaboration in Action: Engaging the Right Partners)Northeast & Caribbean Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Prevention Collaboration in Action: Engaging the Right PartnersNortheast & Caribbean Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Understanding Xylazine: An Emerging ConcernCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkXylazinePrevention Providers
What is Prevention Science?Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
What is Substance Misuse Prevention?Central East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)General
LGBTQ Fact Sheets for Prevention Professionals: Vaping, Suicide Prevention, Substance MisuseCentral East Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)LGBTQIA+
Conducting SBIRT Virtually (Infographic)Mountain Plains Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkAlcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD)Prevention Providers
Prevención de la Marihuana entre los jóvenes Hispanos y Latinos (Marijuana Prevention among Hispanic and Latino Youth)National Hispanic & Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)Spanish/EspañolLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
Marijuana Prevention among Hispanic and Latino YouthNational Hispanic & Latino Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC)EnglishLinkCultural CompetencePrevention Providers
Mitos Y Realidades De La Marihuana (Marijuana Myths and Facts)Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) NetworkSpanish/EspañolLinkCannabisGeneral
Marijuana Myths and FactsPrevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) NetworkEnglishLinkCannabisGeneral

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